My earliest memories of Aniyettan go back in time to the late seventies and early eighties. I was in my college and remember the young man with long hair, tall and handsome, coming to pay his respects to my father in Delhi. Aniyettan’s father, the late PV Rama Varier, who was also the founder of the Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, Coimbatore, and my father were sons of the late Munshi Kunhan Varier, a renowned Sanskrit scholar and an acclaimed ayurvedic physician. What struck me about Aniyettan then was his presence, which to a young man like me was at once, both overawing and disarming at the same time. It was to be many years later before I once again reconnected with him. The occasion was my father’s 84th birthday. I could sense that he had some health issues then but true to his word, he showed up for the occasion. Later, he made it a point to be there for both my children’s marriages. I remember receiving a congratulatory message from him on my appointment as India’s Ambassador to the DRC. I remember referring two people to him while I was posted in Congo. Both of them were effusive in their praise for the way he spoke and heard them out. I would occasionally whatsapp him sometimes and he in turn would send me some message or forward of his own. I think he was one who valued the importance of being proper. Not once in any of his messages would he ever forget or not enquire about the welfare of my aged parents. A year or so back when I contacted him for some advice about the persistent pain in my mother’s knees, he was all care and compassion. He advised me to get her examined by the Navakkarai facility of the Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (AVP). He would unfailingly enquire from me about her every single day of her stay at the place. If a person can set aside his own quandaries and issues and reach out to fellow humans on a compassionate level, that person invariably endears himself to others in ways one cannot quite describe. Aniyettan most certainly had that remarkable and very rare quality in him. May his soul rest in peace! Om Shanti!
Extremely shocked to hear the demise of Dr.Krishnakumar ji. Our deepest condolences.
Dear Dr. Ramkumar Thank you for your kind note. I express my deep shock and grief at the untimely passing away of Dr. Krishnakumar. Pray to Almighty for his continued blessings on the departed soul! I am sure that with Sir's ashirwadham we will be able to continue on his vision and value. CSIR looks forward to the continued patronage from the AVP family. Thanking you With regards Viswajanani ************************************************************************************* डॉ. (श्रीमती) विश्वजननी जे. सत्तिगेरी Dr. (Mrs.) Viswajanani J Sattigeri प्रमुख, सीएसआईआर-पारंपरिक ज्ञानडिजिटल लाइब्रेरी यूनिट Head, CSIR-Traditional Knowledge Digital Library Unit 14, सत्संग विहार मार्ग, नई दिल्ली - 110 067 14, Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi - 110 067 Telephone/टेलीफोन: 91 11 47011291 Fax/फैक्स: 91 11 45531385 Mobile/मोबाइल: 91 9818038495 Email/ई-मेल;
My Heart full condolences to the Birived Varier Family on passing away of Sri Dr Krishna Kumar.
A Condolence meeting was held on 17th September 2020 at JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru for the sad demise Padmashri P R Krishna Kumar, MD of AVP Group and Founder of the AVP Research foundation Coimbatore. Dr. Gurubasavaraja recalled that his demise has created a big vacuum and said, a Glory has departed from the sphere of Ayurveda and pledge for the fulfillment of his aspirations. Dr. Sarbeswar Kar, Principal and Medical Superintendent recalled the contributions of Padmashri Krishna Kumar Ji to the field of Ayurveda and his association with him and also contribution of Krishna Kumar Sir to the field of research and public health in particular- awareness and propagation of Ayurveda at National and International Forum. Teaching faculty, physicians, internees and hospital staff rendered Bhaktipurvaka Shradhananjali - Homage to the departed soul. 2 minutes mourning done and prayed for peace. With Regards Dr. Sarbeswar Kar, Principal and Medical Superintendent JSS AYURVEDA COLLEGE & HOSPITAL MYSURU
महोदय/महोदया Sir/Madam, On behalf of all Staff members of NARIP,Cheruthuruthy, the deepest condolence is expressed on the unexpected and early demise of Padmasree Dr.P.R. KrishnaKumarJi. May his soul rest in peace. आपको धन्यवाद Thanking you, भवदीय Yours faithfully, हस्ताक्षरित/ sd/- डॉ.डी.सुधाकर/Dr.D. Sudhakar प्रभारी सहायक निदेशक /Asst. Director-in-Charge राष्ट्रिय आयुर्वेदीय पंचकर्म अनुसंधान संस्थान National Ayurveda Research Institute for Panchakarma चितुरुत्ति, त्रिशूर ज़िला, केरल -679 531 Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur Dist., Kerala – 679 531